Sunday, August 19, 2007

前途?? 钱途?? 浅途?? 还是迁途??

为我的CAREER想了蛮久一下。。 刚刚出来要从底(薪) ,但是比较有兴趣的做起?
还是要拿ABOVE AVERAGE 的薪水,BUT不是很有兴趣,也有可能被淘汰的工?
很烦五六七八下。。。 我是比较倾向FUTURE PROSPECTIVE(有没SPELL 错?)啦。。
相信自己能力(总觉得IT 很多人讲供多于求,可是有料的人还是少),但是有好OFFER 在我前面,我没自信可以抛开OFFER,挨那个不懂几百/千个日子。。。TARGET 是25岁 5千月薪(会很高咩? 之前有一个COLLEGE SUPERVISOR说我AMBITIOUS。。会咩?? 我觉得还好罢了。。。)
现实是一个因素。。欠/缺钱=还不是不惦。。 哎ZZZZ
不过印象最深刻的是连COLLEGE LECTURER 都跟我们讲:“你们有的走就走~去星加玻也好,那里也好,不要留在这里” 。这里真的越来越不能住人了。。。
说了那么多,顺便分享一个笑话:) 有笑的话支持一下咯~ 哈哈

A UM graduate found himself difficult to get a job here. He finally accepted the offer to work with Taiping Zoo. "What to do? It's better to work like this than earning nothing...", mumbling to himself. So since that day, the IT grad started work acting as a monkey. He has to wear monkey suit and mask, chew nuts and eat bananas. He has to climb trees too and jump from one to another to attract visitors.

The zoo has since then enjoyed tremendous business due to the increase in visitors. Even Mahathir wanted to see the super 'smart' monkey in the world. Unfortunately, one day when he was jumping from the trees, he fell down into a crocodile pool!

"Oh my God...I'm" he thought, as a hungry looking crocodile swam steadily towards his direction. In the middle of his struggle, suddenly he heard a soft voice,

"Don't be afraid my friend... I'm from UKM".


~!*JiNgJiNg*!~ said...


Taufu said...

哈哈 就怕不能等那几年~