Sunday, February 1, 2009


WAH 荒废这里满久一下鸟哦。。。 本来想说POST个然后TEMP SHUTDOWN 一下的,可是不懂为什么就是没有做。。

照例来说,应该检讨2008 + 2009 RESOLUTION 的。。 可是也拖到现在才来。。ORZ


1) get a good job (really concern about it right now..tomolo reject Hesper Tech offer lurr)
-跟今年的WISHES有关系,比上不足 比下余点点

2) fyp and last sem exam score kau kau (haha look back sure think this is sap sap sui...but really stress for it so long liao.. and now also..)

3) hope can save 10k in bank (quite impossible but not unacceptable)
-保险,SHARESAVE,ASW 2020 都吃去几K 了啦。。。

4) hope can bring parents go travel (dun feel like want to wait tong wait till they walk also hard only bring them out meh...see those lao gong gong lap po po walk also hard..bring out eat also hard, i cant imagine my parent gonna be like that...)

5) erm...hopefully can get a gf lo...single so long liao... like i nvr mad when i young..
-这个。。有赖牛年的红鸾星了 rf

6) get a new handphone (now using this motorola v80 quite knn...joystick and batt zz ><)
-哦, V80 摔坏了, 用着爸爸拾来的。。2300? 黑白+喇叭坏。。落到这个地步

7) get a new pc/lappy (dunwan let my brother and ah sou think i ba zhu all the time)

8) driving license (maybe? see how la... car also dunhav)
-也是看下 @_@

一半红。。觉得还好。。酱容易做到就不叫做WISH 啦。。 哈哈

好,全新2009 年的 WISH LIST:
1) 薪水冲破4000!!!!!!!!!

2) 15k CASH 在银行 (降低要求,很多东西要买。。。)

3) 带父母大人去旅行

4) 找个桃花遇遇

5) 电话啊。。有闲钱就买咯

6) 手提电脑 (跟电话一样,有闲钱就买咯)

7) 驾车 (是时候了呱)

8) 出车/买楼 (看起薪的幅度)

男人,不是为钱就是为女。。 难人啊

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hm. thanks for text )